4 min read

Virtuo Folder-Gluer Packer : Introduction

Virtuo Folder-Gluer Packer : Introduction

After surfing through the web looking for solutions to improve your folder-gluer productivity, you have determined that an automatic packer is the right solution for your company

If you envision having large runs on your folder-gluer or you already do, if you also produce a limited variety of boxes, such as only producing straight-lines, and finally if you want to get the most out of your folder-gluer, then Impack packaging’s Virtuo packer is the right choice for you, and this article will tell you why. 

My name is Maxime Jacques and I am the Area Sales Manager for Impack. For almost 10 years I have installed, advised, and sold dozens of Virtuo's around the world, from America to Asia and Europe.  

In this article, we will explore the Virtuo automatic packer, its different versions, modes and options as well as tell you what type of packing project it is for.  

What Is the Virtuo Packer?  

Impack packaging Virtuo folder-gluer packer

The Virtuo is, depending on the options, an automatic or fully automatic packer for folder-gluers.  

It was built to optimize & automate your packaging process and maximize your productivity.  

One of the best-selling factors of the Virtuo is the fact that it is one of the only packers on the market that allows automatic packing of your folding carton and corrugated boxes.  

The Virtuo is the most compact automatic packer on the market and it is available in 3 versions: Basic, Intermediate & Advance.  

Also, if you couple it with an Automatic Case Feeder (ACF) it becomes fully automatic.  

Nevertheless, all versions of the Virtuo allow automatic packing for straight-line boxes and 4/6 corner boxes, and only allows the configuration of packing in 1 row and 1 layer.  

Due to these configurations, the Virtuo is usually best intended for medium/large to very large boxes.  

In 99% of the cases, the Virtuo will require an IN3 box turner to orient the boxes to your client's packing requirements.  

Now let’s look at the different versions of the Virtuo and what makes them stand out. 

What Are the Different Versions of the Virtuo?  

Impack packaging folder-gluer packer Virtuo

There are 3 versions of the Virtuo: Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced.  

Virtuo Basic 

The Virtuo Basic is the most economical version and also the one with the least options out of the 3. 

It has slightly more limited box specifications than the other 2 versions.  

Moreover, it has only one plate to manage the cases, a 7'' touch screen without the possibility to save recipes for recurring commands and options such as the ACF (Automatic Case Feeder) are not available.  

Virtuo Intermediate  

In addition to having a larger case specification, the Virtuo Intermediate has 3 plates to manage cases, all depending on the needs of the product being packed. 

It is also equipped with a 12" touch screen for recording recipes for recurring orders.  

Finally, all options are available, from the ACF (Automatic Case Feeder) to the Virtuo Tilt Assist.   

The Intermediate version is the most commonly chosen by Impack clients, especially due to the fact that the ACF can be added it.  

Virtuo Advance  

The Virtuo Advance version has the same features as the Virtuo Intermediate. 

Namely, it has larger case specifications, 3 plates, a 12" touch screen with recipe recording, and the ability to include the different options just like the Intermediate. 

It also has laser curtain protection, filling position reading, and pneumatic pressure making it easier to adjust for recurring orders.  

Finally, the screen includes videos and documents explaining how to set up the Virtuo and solve the most common problem situations.    

Now that we’ve explored the different versions of the Virtuo, let’s explore the different options that can be used to facilitate your run based on the particularities of your boxes. 


Impack packaging folder-gluer packer Virtuo and folder-gluer box turner IN3

Peripheral Connector  

This option allows the Virtuo to be connected directly to the peripheral connector at the delivery belt of the folder-gluer.  

This also allows the connection of the emergency stop and the exchange of signals such as the speed of the compression belt to be linked together.  

Virtuo Tilt Assist  

Under certain conditions and specific packing configurations, your boxes may come out of the case during the case tilting process.  

The Virtuo Tilt Assist option will hold the boxes in place during the tilting process to prevent this from happening.  

Virtuo Tilt Plate  

Under certain conditions, cases may be relatively unstable and prone to tipping over during conveyor transfers and accelerations.  

The Virtuo Tilt Plate option ensures that the cases remain stable and do not tip over during the transfers. 

Virtuo XS  

This option, depending on your needs, allows you to reduce the height of the box to a minimum of 140mm / 5.5in, instead of 205mm / 8in, 260mm / 10.25in for the basic version, and a maximum of 380mm / 15in, instead of 545mm / 21.5in. 

ACF Automatic Case Feeder  

We’ve mentioned the ACF throughout the article.  

This module, only compatible with the Intermediate and the Advance Virtuo, turns it into a fully automatic packer.  

In combination with a case former, it transports the cases to the Virtuo case feeder. 

Depending on the packing requirements of your boxes, the cases can be rotated to a 90° angle.  

AFO Automatic Flap Opener  

This module is complementary to the ACF, it allows you to open the top flaps of the case for Regular Slotted Cases (RSC) RSC cases. It enables the ACF to process Half-Slotted Case (HSC) & RSC cases; without the AFO, the ACF only handles HSC cases. 

Most importantly, we can adapt, adjust, modify, or create modes and options according to your specific needs.  

Do You Need a Virtuo Packer for Your Production Line? 

Impack packaging folder-gluer packer Virtuo and folder-gluer box turner IN3 edited

The Virtuo packer has the capability to entirely automate your packing line, which could be advantageous for your company in many ways. 

We can guarantee that if you correspond to any of the following factors, then your company absolutely needs a Virtuo packer:  

You wish to improve the productivity of your folder-gluer, and that: 
  • The size of your boxes varies from medium to very large, on a corrugated or solid board. 
  • You do case packing.
  • You are not looking for flexibility because you produce only straight lines or 4/6 corner boxes. 
  • Your investment budget is sufficient for an automatic solution. 

However, if your company corresponds to the following factors, then it may be that the Virtuo packer may not be the right solution for your company:

Your company doesn’t need a Virtuo packer if :
  • The size of your boxes varies from very small to medium on a corrugated or solid board.  
  • You do banding/strapping 
  • You are looking for flexibility because you produce different types of boxes, straight lines, 4/6 corners, crash-lock bottoms, special boxes ... that you need to be able to process too. 
  • Your investment budget is limited.  

If you want to learn more about Impack packaging’s packers and another alternative to improve your folder-gluer productivity with packing equipment, read the following articles: 

What is the Virtuo Packer & What Companies Is It Best Suited For? 

Semi-Automatic Vs. Fully-Automatic Packers: Which Is Better? 

Ergosa Vs. Virtuo Vs. Everio: Which is the Best Folder-Gluer Packer? 

How to Further Automate Your Virtuo Packer: Virtuo and ACF Combination

How to Further Automate Your Virtuo Packer: Virtuo and ACF Combination

If you’re thinking of adding a Virtuo packer to your folding gluing line, you’re probably debating what version of the Virtuo you should choose and...

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What is the Virtuo Packer & What Companies Is It Best Suited For? [+VIDEO]

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