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How to Choose the Right Box Turner For You (Cost, Advantages, And More)

How to Choose the Right Box Turner For You (Cost, Advantages, And More)

Adding a box turner to the end of your folding-gluing line is almost always essential.

In fact, in almost every single one of our folder-gluer packer projects, we need to add a box turner before the packing or stacking solution in order to achieve the required box orientation in the case that our client desires.

We know, however, that choosing the right one for your company’s needs is not always an obvious task.

Nevertheless, don’t worry!

In this article, we will break down the capabilities of each of our box turners, their cost, and how they can best serve your needs so that you can make the right choice and improve your folder-gluer’s productivity.

What Is a Box Turner?

Impack Packaging folder-gluer box turnerIN2 + Folder-Gluer packer Ergosa A

Before anything else, you might be asking yourself,

What is a box turner and how does it work?

A box turner is a pre-packing machine that turns each box to a 90-degree or 180-degree angle automatically so that it can be packed in the position that you want.

Some of your clients will want your boxes oriented differently than how it comes out of your folder-gluer, and with your packers busy at their packing station or the choice of a fully-automated folder-gluer packer solution, you’ll need this turning process to be automated.

There are also box formats, such as straight-lines, that necessitate them to be turned before they are packed. This is the reason why we ask our clients what kind of boxes they plan to run and how they are packed in the case, based on their response we evaluate whether they will absolutely need a box turner or not.

Now, let’s dive into Impack packaging’s 5 main box turners and learn which one may serve you best.

What Is the Box Turner IN1?

Impack packaging folder gluer box turner IN1

IN1 Box Turner

The IN1 is the simplest and most economical box turner that we sell. It is installed directly onto the outfeed of your folder-gluer’s belt.

It has the ability to turn your boxes left or right at a 90 degrees angle.

Since it’s placed directly on your folder-gluer’s outfeed, this machine is best for medium to smaller-sized boxes.

In 2023, the IN1 costs around $6,250CAD.

What Is the Box Turner IN2?

Impack packaging folder-gluer box turner IN2

IN2 Box Turner

The IN2 comes in two formats: the IN2A & the IN2B

The IN2A has 2 configurations, turn 90 degrees and “Straight Line” mode whenever you need to run a box that doesn’t require turning.

allows any box format to be turned to a 90 degrees angle to 1 side only, you have to choose either left OR right, and you can run straight through.

In 2023, the IN2A box turner costs between $29,000CAD - $35,000CAD.

The IN2B also shares the same abilities as the IN2A but on top of that, you can turn left AND right because it is equipped with 2 turning branches.

In 2023, the IN2B costs between $34,000CAD – $43,000CAD.

The IN2 box turners are typically combined with the Ergosa folder-gluer packer or the Everio folder-gluer stacker, in some cases also with the Virtuo folder-gluer packer.

What Is the Box Turner IN3?

Impack packaging folder-gluer box turnerIN3

IN3 Box Turner

Out of all of our box turners, the IN3 is our most advanced.

It has the ability to turn all box formats left or right, and just like the IN2 it also has a “Straight Line” mode. What’s more, no matter the turning mode chosen the IN3 stays fixed, you won’t need to move the machine sideways when changing modes, (left, right, straight line).

If you’re looking to run larger boxes rather than medium to small-sized ones and you want to keep your folder-gluer packer stay fixed on the floor, then the IN3 or the IN3XL is the right choice for you.

This is also the reason why the IN3 is typically combined with our Virtuo Automatic Packer, other fully automatic packers like Bobst’s Cartonpack, and in some cases also with the Ergosa semi-automatic packer.

In 2023, the IN3 costs around $69,000CAD and the IN3XL costs $82,000CAD.

What Is the Box Turner INH?

Impack packaging folder-gluer box turner INH

INH Box Turner

Our newest box turner is the INH.

This box turner is very unique as it allows you to turn your boxes to the left and then accumulate the boxes in gluing direction. All this while keeping the box count of the kicker from the folder-gluer.

This means you do not need to use our OBP or OBS system to count boxes but you are still running your boxes in gluing direction. This often saves a lot of problems regarding folder-gluer layouts.

To understand the turning process in more detail, watch the INH Box Turner in action here.

The INH Box Turner is sold with our Ergosa semi-auto packer series.

In 2023, the INH costs around $46,000CAD.

What Is the Box Turner IN180?

Impack packaging folder-gluer box turnerIN180

IN180 Box Turner

Last but not least, let’s have a look at our box turner IN180.

The IN180 has the ability to turn the boxes a complete 180 degrees and is our only machine that does so. When no turning is necessary, it also has the “Straight Line” mode. Like the IN3, the IN180 remains fixed in its place, it requires no moving of the machine.

The IN180 is typically installed in front of Bobst’s Cartonpack.

In 2023, the IN180 costs around $111,000 CAD.

If you want to learn more about the technical specifications of our box turners, visit our product page here.

What Are My Next Steps?

IN180 Box Turner edited picture

Our five box turner models are meant to serve all of your needs and are compatible with all of our folder-gluer packers. Some units like the IN3 and the IN180 are also regularly installed on other fully automated packers on the market.

If want to learn more about our box turners and the folder-gluer packers that they are compatible with, read the following articles:

How to Choose the Right Box Turner For Your Folder-Gluer Production.

What is a Box Turner and Does Your Company Need One?

How Much Does a Folder-Gluer Packer Cost?

Comparing Impack Packaging Box Turners: Which Is Best For Your Company?

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