Compact Configurations
For tight spaces
Limited space? We have a compact ERGOSA configuration just for you.

Like all ERGOSA solutions the compact configurations allow Multi-layer, multi-row packing of Straight-line, 4 & 6 corner, auto-bottom.
While it's optimized for folding carton, smaller corrugated boxes can be processed by putting the INH box turner in bypass mode.
The ERGOSA Compact Configuration can be configured with an inline or right-angle case management system depending on your space, case sealing and palletization workflow.
The ERGOSA Compact Configurations facilitate fast, efficient and ergonomic horizontal packing of straight-line boxes, allowing you to boost productivity even in tight spaces. It has a back-up hand packing mode with specialized tooling for complex box types. The ergonomic height and convenient placement of controls reflects thoughtful design.
It was designed for fast and easy changeovers to accommodate packing of a wide range of packaging formats and sizes. It is optimized for small to medium straight-line and some small to medium 4/6 corner boxes. It has a back-up hand packing mode for complex box types such as auto-bottom and very small straight-line boxes.
The compact configuration has a shortened accumulation conveyor with an integrated INH box turner that automatically rotating straight-line boxes so that they can be packed in the proper orientation. Automation of the box turning task eliminates certain wrist movements that can cause repetitive strain injuries. The INH is an ultra-compact helical box turner that maintains the kicker count while creating a very dense shingle for slower belt speeds, faster packing speeds and maximum efficiency.
Module and Tooling Compatibility
- Short accumulation conveyor with integrated INH helical box turner
- INH Box Turner turns shingle to the left
- Case management module with integrated case tilt mechanism for hand packing mode, rising conveyor and case flap holder
- Tray Holder station for packing of tiny boxes
- Mobile Utility Shelf for QA samples, case dividers and tools as well as holders for tooling
- Case Splitter only compatible with in-line configuration
Not compatible with:
- PERPACK Vertical Packing Module
- Case Management Module,
- Dual Hand Packing Station,
- Flap Folder
- Case bump and turn tooling
- MFA Batch Inverter Module
ERGOSA Compact Specs:
RSC and HSC Case Dimensions
4.5 in
6 in
4 in
24 in
27 in
15 in
4.5 in
6 in
4 in
21.5 in
21.5 in
19.5 in

Box Dimensions (turning with INH)
4 in
5 in
19.5 in
19.5 in

Ergosa Compact Dimensions
172 in
70.5 in
83.5 in