Han Guo

In 2017, I started working at IMPACK. At first, I was a mechanical designer in the Engineering department. Thanks to this experience, I deeply understand IMPACK's products. To meet the needs of customers and to open the market in China and South Korea, I helped our president Dominic Theriault create the first branch of IMPACK in Asia. I now work as the Operations Manager, China to help manage this branch. All these experiences allow me to provide a good service to the customer. Our team would like to provide you with our knowledge accumulated during 20 years. The purpose of IMPACK is to help you choose the best packaging solution. We continue to improve our products and services to meet your demands.

Bietet IMPACK Service für Maschinen im Ausland an?

Wenn Sie Abpackmöglichkeiten für ihre Klebemaschine in Betracht ziehen, dann vergleichen Sie wahrscheinlich verschiedene Lösungen von mehreren Anbietern. 

Wie lange dauert es, bis sich die Investition in eine Abpackanlage auszahlt?

Denken Sie über eine Investition in eine Abpackanlage nach, sind aber noch nicht zu 100 % bereit,...