Every company wants to increase their folder-gluer productivity and reach their maximum output potential, however, that also means that most companies believe doing so requires you to buy new machines.
What if I were to tell you that you can maximize your folder-gluer productivity without purchasing a new machine?
Well, this article will tell you just that!
If you know that your folder-gluer can reach a higher output than what you’re currently producing, then you can add a packing person to push your folder-gluer to its maximum potential.
If, however, you see that you are already at maximum potential — and the packing person(s) can no longer follow — then you might have to slow down your folder-gluer’s speed so your packer(s) can keep up.
To truly be able to capitalize on increasing the productivity of your folder-gluer with zero investment, you must master your folding-gluing process.
To achieve this, focus on tuning your gluer until you have a steady production outflow at a consistent level where your packing person can keep up.
If you are running at a certain speed but you know that you could run it faster, then this is where minimizing your set up time would be your next step to maximizing your folder-gluer’s productivity.
You should know that the higher the speed is, the greater the likelihood a small misalignment could happen and the greater the speed at which they happen — if they happen.
So, you want an operator that takes the time to be diligent during setup while also making sure to minimize setup time.
We’ve established that mastering your folding-gluing process was the first step to maximizing your folder-gluer’s productivity, here are 5 ways to master and increase your folding-gluing process.
These solutions without cost are important and valuable for every company to know. However, it may be the case that maximizing your folder-gluer’s productivity requires you to purchase a new machine.
Read the following resources to learn what solution may be best for you:
How to Maximize Your Folder-Gluer Productivity (+Full Video)
A Guide to Improving Your Folder-Gluer Productivity
Do I Need to Invest in Packing Equipment to Improve My Folder-Gluer Productivity?